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In Memory of Micheal Keith Lawler

A personal campaign sponsored by AMY

September 21, 2024


Mike was a fierce protector to all he loved, and he was the best, most loyal friend, confidant, and partner anyone could ever have in their life. Mike was the type that would do anything for anyone and always had your back and would stand up for ones that couldn’t stand up for themselves.  He was a force of nature that always left an impression on those around him and was infamous in any setting. There aren’t enough words to express what he meant to everyone’s life he touched. 

From an early age, Mike’s aspirations and goals were to join the United States Army. He enlisted at the age of 17 and was honorably discharged after serving over 20 years and serving in five deployments.  He believed in and loved his fellow soldier, his fellow man, and most of all keeping this country free, safe, and protected for all.
